Moto g3 keyboard predictive text when using browser
Moto g3 keyboard predictive text when using browser

moto g3 keyboard predictive text when using browser moto g3 keyboard predictive text when using browser

The first or second time you ignore the word, it will assume it’s not a misspelling, but not a word you use often enough to be presented with in similar usage patterns. Things get interesting if you ignore the word - good predictive keyboards even use your lack of action to learn from your typing habits. If you add it to your dictionary, the keyboard “learns” the word immediately, and it will offer it up the next time you enter a spelling pattern that’s close to those keys or use similar words before and after the phrase but misspell “lifehacker”. If you accept a correction, obviously the keyboard will continue to assume the word is wrong and offer corrections in the future. You have three options: you can accept one of the corrections, you can ignore the word and leave it as is, or you can add it to your personal dictionary so it won’t bother you when you type it again. For example, if you type in “lifehacker” and your keyboard has never seen you use it before, it will offer to correct it to another phrase that it thinks is more likely (no, I don’t mean “lifejacket”).

moto g3 keyboard predictive text when using browser

It then “scores” those words by the probability you’ll use or need it again. In its most basic form, keyboard prediction uses text that you enter over time to build a custom, local “dictionary” of words and phrases that you’ve typed repeatedly.

Moto g3 keyboard predictive text when using browser